Sunday, September 25, 2011

For Richer or Poorer

DVDTim Allen and Kirstie Alley are New York scammers on the lam from the IRS--they got framed by their slimy accountant, Wayne Knight of Seinfeld--so they hide out as fake Amish farmers in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. As parodies of Witness go, For Richer or Poorer can't compete with the Woody Harrelson-Bill Murray flick Kingpin, by the creators of Dumb & Dumber. Allen and Alley are directed by the creator of McHale's Navy. But wait, come back! The true test of talent is a capacity to romp right through weak material, and while this story is hopelessly lame and formulaic, Allen and Alley are credible candidates for the clown prince and princess of broad TV comedy. When somebody wonders how come alleged Amish guy Tim Allen has no beard, Kirstie says, "Lice." Of course, his face has no lice on it either, so Kirstie adds, "Minute lice!" --Tim App! elo


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